Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1 2010

Wednesday December 1, 2010

WOW, that’s all I want to say about today. We travel north of Kampong Channon 100 kilometers to Pusar. Once we check into the nights hotel, we travel out to a village and set up for the clinic. On the medical side we see the same kinds of cases that we have already come to expect. The number of Malaria cases is greater today however. We also see a number of typhoid cases. i also see a young man with a disfiguring birth defect.

And before I forget, the ride on these roads is always an adventure!

But the real WOW comes today in the experience that Cyndy has. She spends some time in the prayer station and finds herself praying the prayer of salvation with a young Cambodian Muslim woman. This young lady tells Cyndy that if our God heals her, she will believe. That is not an uncommon response to folks in this part of the world when they are in a position to respond to the message of Christ. But the real impact moment of the day comes toward the end of the day.

A mother brings her 17 year old daughter to the medical clinic for treatment. The young woman is in a state of almost total disconnect with reality. She is disassociated from her surroundings and family. She ignores everyone, speaks in a voice not her own, calls herself by a name that is not hers and avoids eye contact with anyone. As she comes to the clinic, her mother is very upset and barely able to tell us what has occurred. She is seen by Dr. George and it immediately becomes evident that in addition to what we can see, she is severely disturbed. She will not allow Dr. George to come close. She recoils from him. As I take a look at her from the examination area next to Dr. George I am debating with myself if she is in fact possessed or under a severe spiritual depression, or perhaps she is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We take her mom aside and ask her to tell us what has gone on in this girls life recently. As the story comes out, (and mom is very reluctant to talk about it since she is very embarrassed by the situation), we learn that 6 months ago this young lady was enticed into going to Malaysia on the promise of a job that would pay a few hundred dollars a month. That kind of money is enormous to this poor family and on the basis of this promise off she goes to Malaysia. A few weeks ago this young lady returned from Malaysia and she was as her mom tells us a mess. It turns out that she had been indentured into a sex slave ring. For 4 months she had been sold to the highest bidder at a brothel in Malaysia each night! Two weeks ago she was injured in the foot and could not walk. The pimp promptly shipped her back home. This explains a great deal about why this young lady is now suffering physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually! She suffers from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). She will not trust any men. She is afraid of everyone. As Transform Asia operates a Women’s Center for girls just like this we immediately bring Pastor Setan and several of the young women from the drama team over to pray for her. I am incredibly impressed by the level of spiritual maturity of the teenage Cambodian girls from the drama team who begin praying for and ministering to this young lady. Mom takes a step back and allows these young ladies to minister. Cyndy bonds with mom and I will let her tell that story in her blog tonight. The amazing thing that happens is that after about 30 minutes, this severely PTSD young lady begins to come out of her mental, emotional and spiritual shell! By the time we are ready to leave for the day, she is waving, crying, thanking us, and her entire countenance has changed. Mom is so grateful that she and Cyndy have just become soul sisters! But I will let Cyndy tell that part of the story!


Another WOW moment today is when a young Buddhist Monk comes to the clinic and when I treat him I ask him if I can pray for him. He tells me that if “your god will help me, you can pray for me”. I take him over to the prayer warriors and he sits and allows them to pray for him. Ron has a vision from the Lord and tells the monk that God has told him that he is not going to find what he is looking for on the path he is taking in his search. Ron then goes on to tell him details about his ( the monk’s) life that I can tell by the look on the monks face are likely true! Whether this experience will have an impact or not I do not know but God does and at the very least a seed has been planted. You have to keep in mind that these monks do all that they can to discourage the villagers from seeing us at all, so for any of them to be a patient and then ask for prayer is really big deal.

It has been an incredible day! We treat over 200 patients from as young as 3 months to as old as 90. At the end of the day we are all exhilarated and tired at the same time. As becomes the custom on this trip I will be in bed by 8:30 and we all we be up at 5:30 for devotions for our next leg up to Battambang where we will be staying for several days as minister in the region.

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